Special Announcement – Report on The 12th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies

Report on The 12th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies

Link to the National Association of Professors of Hebrew

The Twelfth Annual CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies (CJS12) was held in Kyoto, Japan on September 30 and October 1, 2023. CISMOR is the acronym for the Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions, at Doshisha University. The Center has been holding international conferences on Jewish Studies in relation to the other monotheistic religions or to Japanese culture, annually or biannually, since 2005. The proceedings of the conferences are edited and published in print and online.

Ada Taggar Cohen, Doron B. Cohen (Link to the Report)

Link to the Publication List
Link to the Conference on Jewish Studies
Link to the Preface of The 12th Conference on Jewish Studies (Text)

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