- Hittite Priesthood (Texte der Hethiter 26; Heidelberg: Winter Verlag) 2006.
- 現代ヘブライ語における前置詞の重要性-ヘブライ語の歴史と発展に関する一考察-
(有限会社リトン , 2018). [Japanese and Hebrew]
Title Hebrew:
העברית השפה בהתפתחות הסטורי עיון רקע על המודרנית בעברית היחס מיות של הסגולי משקלן
English Title:
The Significance of Prepositions in Modern Hebrew With Historical and Developmental Study of the Hebrew Language; Tokyo: Lithon Publishing House, 2018.
- Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and Beyond, Roy E. Gane and Ada Taggar-Cohen eds., (Resources for Biblical Study 82; Atlanta: SBL Press; 2015).
- Tracing The Ritual Body: Catherine Bell and Rituals of the Ancient Biblical World, Ada Taggar Cohen, Richard E. DeMaris, Jonathan Schwiebert eds., (LHBOTS [=Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 741] T&T Clark, Bloomsbury, 2024). See here.
- 現代ヘブライ語テキスト:日本語を話す人々のための現代ヘブライ語:文章音読と会話練習、および文法解説、同志社大学,1-初級、2010. (Modern Hebrew Textbook for Japanese speakers: Grammar and conversations; 1- Beginners Level, Doshisha University, 2010).
- 現代ヘブライ語テキスト:日本語を話す人々のための現代ヘブライ語:文章音読と会話練習、および文法解説、同志社大学, 2-中級、2011. (Modern Hebrew Textbook for Japanese speakers: Grammar and conversations; 2- intermediate Level, Doshisha University, 2011; reprint 2020).
- 現代ヘブライ語テキスト:日本語を話す人々のための現代ヘブライ語:文章音読と会話練習、および文法解説、同志社大学,神学部 3 上級編 (2012). (Modern Hebrew Textbook for Japanese speakers:Grammar and conversations; 3- Advanced Level, Doshisha University, Faculty of Theology, 2012).
- 現代ヘブライ語、動詞の語形変化学習と練習のためのテキスト、同志社大学,神学部 4 上級編-動詞 (2012). (Modern Hebrew Textbook for Japanese speakers: Modern Hebrew verb System; 4-Advanced Level, Doshisha University, Faculty of Theology, 2012).
Editor – Symposiums/Conferences
- Jerusalem Symposium: “Interpretations of Traditions – Maimonides, Spinoza, Buber Levinas and After” – Papers delivered at an International Symposium organized by CISMOR and held in The Hebrew University, Jerusalem August 27, 2012 (Published by CISMOR under the project of Young Scholars, Doshisha University, March 2013). [Japanese]
- Land and People in Jewish Writings and their Interpretations: Papers read in an International Workshop held in Leo Baeck College London Feb. 28, 2013 (published by CISMOR, Doshisha University, 2013). [English]
- “Theocracy” and “Nation” in Jewish Thought: Past and Present; Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the Project of Young Scholars held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Sponsored by Doshisha University Dec. 30, 2013 (Published by CISMOR, Kyoto: Doshisha University, March, 2014). [English]
- Judaism in Modern Era: Interpretative Studies of Ancient and Current Texts – Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Jewish Studies; Held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August 19th 2018 (Ed. Ada Taggar Cohen; Kyoto: Doshisha University, The Center for Interdisciplinary Study of the Monotheistic Religions=CISMOR, March, 2019). [English]
Co-editor of Publication of the Periodical “Conference on Jewish Studies”(=CJS ISSN 2186-5175)
Link to the CISMOR.
- Jewish Studies in Current Academic Research in Japan – The First CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: Papers and Discussions, Kyoto, Doshisha University 2005. [Japanese] – Edited with Isaiah Teshima
- Various Aspects in Jewish Studies: Surrounding Cultures and Dialogues – The Second CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: Papers and Discussions, Kyoto, Doshisha University 2006. [Japanese] – Edited with Isaiah Teshima
- The Languages of the Jews and Their Convergence with Neighboring Cultures through History – The 3rd CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: Papers and Discussions, Kyoto, Doshisha University 2007. [Japanese]. Edited with Etsuko Katsumata
- Jews and Christians, Jews and Muslims: The interactions of these religions from historical and cultural perspectives – The 4th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: Papers and Comments, Kyoto, Doshisha University 2010. [Japanese and English] (Published 2012 by CISMOR, Doshisha University). Edited with Etsuko Katsumata
- Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages – The 5th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: Papers and Comments of the conference held on October 29-30, 2011; Kyoto, Doshisha University [Japanese and English] (Published 2012 by CISMOR, Doshisha University). Edited with Etsuko Katsumata
- The Revival of Hebrew Culture in the Context of Modern Judaism and in Relation to Japan – The 6th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: Proceedings of the Annual conference held on October 5-7, 2012 in Kyoto, Doshisha University [Japanese and English] (Published 2013 by CISMOR, Doshisha University). [Edited with Etsuko Katsumata and Doron B. Cohen]
- Jewish Cultural Creativity in Medieval Times and its Relations with Christian and Islam Traditions of Thought – The 7th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: Proceedings of the Annual conference held on June 29-30, 2013 in Kyoto, Doshisha University [Japanese and English] (Published 2014 by CISMOR, Doshisha University). [Edited with Etsuko Katsumata and Doron B. Cohen]
- Kabbalah and Sufism: Esoteric Beliefs and Practices in Judaism and Islam in Modern Times – The 8th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: Proceedings of the Annual conference held on Feb. 28-March 1st, 2015 in Kyoto, Doshisha University (Edited with Doron B. Cohen and Etsuko Katsumata; Published by CISMOR, Doshisha University, 2015). [English]
- Judaism and Japanese Culture: Studies in Honor of Yoel Hoffmann – The 9th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: An Annual conference held on November 27-28, 2016 in Kyoto, Doshisha University (Edited with Doron B. Cohen; Published 2017 by CISMOR, Doshisha University). [English]
- The Place of Christianity in Modern Hebrew and Japanese Literature: Its Roots and its Contemporary Expressions – The 10th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: An Annual conference held on May 18-19, 2019 in Kyoto, Doshisha University (Edited with Doron B. Cohen; Published 2020 by CISMOR, Doshisha University). [English]
- Pilgrimage through the Ages: In Religious and Non-Religious Context – The 11th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: CISMOR Series of Online Lectures for the Academic Year 2021-2022. (Edited with Doron B. Cohen; Published 1/2023 by CISMOR, Doshisha University). [English & Japanese]
- Garden, Orchard and Nature: In Jewish and Japanese Culture, Literature and Religion – The 12th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: An Annual conference held on September 30- October 1, 2023 in Kyoto, Doshisha University, (Edited with Doron B. Cohen; Published by CISMOR=The Center for Interdisciplinary Study of the Monotheistic Religions, Doshisha University; Kyoto, 2024). A report on the conference was published in Hebrew Higher Education (National Association of Professors of Hebrew, USA).
- “An Index of Grammatical Terms and Particles for “The Sumerian Language” by Marie-Louise Thompsen (Mesopotamia 10, Copenhagen 1984),” Akkadica 89-90 (1994), 27-47.
- “Law and Family in the Book of Numbers: The Levites and the tidennutu Documents from Nuzi” Vetus Testamentum 48,1 (1998), 74-94.
- “The EZEN-pulaš – A Hittite Installation Rite of a New Priest in Light of the Installation of d IM Priestess in Emar,” The Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 2 (2002), 127-159.
- “The Casting of Lots among the Hittites, in Light of Ancient Near Eastern Parallels,” Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Studies 29 (2002), 97-103.
- “Violence at the Birth of Religion: Exodus 19-40 in Light of Ancient Near Eastern Texts,” Journal of the Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions 1 (2005), 101-116.
- “Political Loyalty in the Biblical Account of 1 Samuel xx-xxii In Light of Hittite texts,” Vetus Testamentum 55,2 (2005), 251-268.
- “The Covenant as Contract: Joshua 24 and the Legal Aramaic Texts from Elephantine,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte 11 (2005), 27-50.
- “The Assembly at Shechem and the Ancient Hittite Legal Tradition,” The First CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies (2005), 18-27. [Japanese]
- “Reflections of Hittite and Emar Practices in the Sinaitic Traditions of Moses, ” Shenaton (Annual for Bible and Ancient Near Eastern studies), 15 (2006), 99-114. [Hebrew]
“השתקפוה של הראליה הפולחנית מחתי ואמר במסורת משה”
.(בסיני שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום, ט”ו (תשס”ו - ヨシュア記24章と祭司の「神聖学派」 『基督教研究』68−1(2006)、pp.1-13. “Joshua 24 and the Priestly School of Holiness,” Kirisutokyo-kenkyu 68 (2006), 1-13 [Japanese].
- “The NIN.DINGIR in the Hittite Kingdom: A Mesopotamian priestly office in Hatti?” AoF 33,2 (2006), 313-327.
- 「ラディノ語との出会い」、「ユダヤ人の言語、隣接文化との歴史的集合」、同志社大学一神教学際研究センター21世紀 COE プログラム Vol.3,2007, pp.90-99 [“Encountering Ladino” in: Second CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies, 2007; in Japanese]
- 聖書ヘブライ語と現代ヘブライ語ーアイデンティティーを求めて『基督教研究』71-1、pp.63-81.“Biblical Hebrew and Modern Hebrew – A Quest for Identity” Kirisutokyo-kenkyu 71-1(2009), 62- 81.[Japanese]
- “The Hittite and their Culture, Itamar Singer (Mosad Bialik, 2009) – book review essay”, Beit Mikra 54 (2009), 153-171. [Hebrew]
- 「ユダヤ教における宗教教育」 「キリスト教教育事典」日本キリスト教団出版局 東京、 2010, pp.391-397. [“Religious Education in Judaism,” in: Dictionary of Christian Education; Japanese].
- “The Prince, the KAR.KID Women and the arzana-house: A Hittite royal festival to the goddess Kataḫḫa (CTH 633)”, AoF 37,1 (2010), 113-131.
- “Covenant Priesthood: Cross-Cultural Legal and Religious Aspects of Biblical and Hittite Priesthood” in: Priests and Levites in History and Tradition, (eds.) Mark Leuchter and Jeremy Hutton (Ancient Israel and Its Literature series; Atlanta: SBL, 2011), 11-24.
- “Biblical covenant and Hittite išḫiul reexamined,” Vetus Testamentum 61 (2011), 461-488.
- “The Kingdom of the Hittites: The Least Known Empire of the Second Millennium BCE,” (A review essay of Itamar Singer, The Hittites and their Civilization, Bialik Institute, 2009), in: Hebrew Studies 52 (2011), 379-396.
- “Hittite Priesthood – State Administration in the service of the Gods: Its Implications for the Interpretations of Biblical Priesthood”, in: Biblische Notizen N.F. 156 (2013), 155-175.
- “Is there in the Hebrew Bible an unconditional Covenant? A glance at the scriptures with Ancient Near Eastern Texts stating the promise of land and subservience to God” in: Land and People in Jewish Writings and their Interpretations: Papers read in an International Workshop held in Leo Baeck College London Feb. 28, 2013 (published by CISMOR, Doshisha University, 2013) 26-37.
- “Tempeldiener-Instruktionen, Hethitische (instructions)” Reallexikon der Assyrologie 13, 7/8 (2013), 580-581.
- “ ‘Divine Boundaries’ – Ethnicity and Divine Rule in the Biblical World,” in “Theocracy” and “Nation” in Jewish Thought: Past and Present; Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the Project of Young Scholars held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Sponsored by Doshisha University Dec. 30, 2013 (Published by CISMOR, Kyoto: Doshisha University, 2014) 6-12.
- “Concept of the Divine in Hittite Culture and the Hebrew Bible: Expressions of the Divine” JISMOR 9 (2014) 29-50.
- “Between Herem, Ownership, and Ritual – Biblical and Hittite Perspectives” in: Roy E. Gane and Ada Taggar-Cohen (eds.), Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and Beyond (Resources for Biblical Study 82; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015), 419- 434.
- “The ‘Holiness School’ – Creativity and Editorial Activity in the Book of Joshua: The case of Joshua 24,” in Marbeh Hokmah: Studies in the Bible and Ancient Near East in Loving Memory of Victor Avigdor Hurowitz (S. Yonah, E.L. Greenstein, M.I. Gruber, P. Machinist and S. M. Paul eds.; Winona Lake, IND: Eisenbrauns, 2015), 541-557.
- アダ・タガー・コヘン、「ヒッタイトの「儀礼の法 (išḫiul-)」と祭儀⾏為との⽐較から⾒たイスラエル祭司における⼥性の不在」『基督教研究』第78巻第2号 (2016) 21-37.
- “Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation: Evidence in Hittite Texts and Some Biblical Implications,” in: Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible, (ed. Ziony Zevit; Equinox publishing, 2017), 54-72.
- “Rituals on the Battlefield and Historiographical Accounts: Hittite and Biblical texts,” in: “Now It Happened in Those Days”: Studies in Biblical, Assyrian, and Other Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Presented to Mordechai Cogan on His 75th Birthday (Eds. Amitai Baruchi-Unna et al.; Winona Lake, IND: Eisenbrauns, 2017), 553-584.
- アダ・タガー・コヘン、「ヒッタイト文書における儀礼の失敗に対する態度とその聖書との関係」『基督教研究』第 79 巻第 2 号(12/2017), 15-30.
- “Neo-Hittites,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (=EBR) Vol. 16 (De Gruyter, 2017).
- “הברית המקראית לאור בריתות המזרח הקדום“
בתוך: בריתות מדיניות במזרח הקדום
;אמנון אלטמן, בהשתתפות: ש. אחיטוב, א. גילן, צ. כוכבי-רייני, י. צפתי, י. קליין, ע. תגר-כהן
.2018 ,ירושלים: מוסד ביאליק
.בתוספת תרגומי הבריתות החיתיות מהאלף השני לפנה ס
(111-113, 264-275, 283-299, 338-371, 396, 438-474, 423-430, 405)
[Political Treaties of the Ancient Near East by Amnon Altman; In collaboration with Samuel Ahituv, Zipora Cochavi-Reiney, Amir Gilan, Jacob Klein, Yitschak Sefati, and Ada Taggar Cohen (Jerusalem: The Bialik Institute, 2018)]. - “Biblical Wisdom Literature and Hittite Didactic texts in the Ancient Near Eastern Literary Context” JISMOR 14 (3/2019), 45-64.
アダ・タガー・コヘン、古代近東⽂学における聖書の知恵⽂学とヒッタイトの教訓⽂書『⼀神教学際研究 (JISMOR)』第 14 (3/2019), 43-62. - “The Religious Restrictions in the Bible and Hittite Cultures: On Holiness in both Cultures”, in: Judaism in Modern Era: Interpretative Studies of Ancient and Current Texts – Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Jewish Studies; Held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August 19th 2018 (Ed. Ada Taggar Cohen; Kyoto: Doshisha University, The Center for Interdisciplinary Study of the Monotheistic Religions=CISMOR, 2019), 27-37.
- “Ritual as Divine Law: The Case of Hittite Royal Cultic Performance and its Biblical Correspondence,” Orient 55 (2020), 23-37.
- “Pilgrimage in the Ancient Near East: The Hittite Texts and the Hebrew Bible,” in Pilgrimage through the Ages: In Religious and Non-Religious Context – The 11th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies: CISMOR Series of Online Lectures for the Academic Year 2021-2022. (Edited by Ada Taggar Cohen and Doron B. Cohen; Published 2023 by CISMOR, Doshisha University), 66-89.
- アダ・タガー・コヘン、「コロナ禍のユダヤ教: 超正統派ユダヤ人はなぜ感染防止対策に従うことが出来なかったのか。」『ユダヤ・イスラエル研究』第36号、(2022[Pub. 2.2023]):40-45頁。
- Ada Taggar-Cohen, Book Review/Introduction: “Wakaha Mori, Hajime Yamamoto, and Yumiko Murakami, Cuneiform Tablets, Collections in the Kyoto University Museum, No. 9 (The Kyoto University Museum, 2022)”[森若葉、山本孟、村上由美子編著『楔形文字粘土板』(京都大学総合博物館収蔵資料目録第 9 号)(京都大学総合博物館、2022 年)JISMOR 18 (3.2023), 58-60.
- Ada Taggar-Cohen, “Hittite Royal Ideology and the Uniqueness of the Priestess Titled NIN.DINGIR” in Women in Religion in the Ancient Near East and Asia, edited by Nicole Brisch and Fumi Karahashi; SANER series no. 30; De Gruyter, 2023), 141-162.
- Ada Taggar-Cohen, “The Hittite Case of Royal Women in the Cult: The Queen and the NIN.DINGIR (CTH 714 and CTH 738),” Orient 58 (2023), 21-34.
- Ada Taggar Cohen, “Divine Gift: Sacrifice of Game and Domesticated Animals in Hittite and Biblical Cultures,” in: Human Interaction with the Natural World in Wisdom Literature and Beyond:Essays in Honour of Tova L. Forti. Edited by Mordechai Cogan, Katharine J. Dell, and David Glatt-Gilad (LHBOTS [=Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 720] T&T Clark, Bloomsbury, 2023), 246-259.
- Ada Taggar-Cohen, Contributions to the commentary series The Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel
· Samuel: The Making of the Monarchy edited by David Arnovitz (Jerusalem: Koren publishers, 2021)
· Leviticus edited by David Arnovitz (Jerusalem: Koren publishers, 2023) - Ada Taggar-Cohen, “Rhetoric and Style in Hittite išḫiul-Texts and in The Hebrew Bible,” in The Shamir, the Letters, the Writing and the Tablets (Mishnah Avot 5:6): Studies in Honor of Professor Shamir Yona, edited by Mayer I. Gruber, Jonathan Yogev, Daniel Sivan, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Eliyahu Assis (Jerusalem: Ostracon Press, 2023), 249–261.
- Ada Taggar Cohen, “Ritual Performance and Hittite Royal Ideology in Dialogue with Catherine Bell’s Power of Ritualization,” in Tracing the Ritual Body: Catherine Bell and Rituals of the Ancient Biblical World. Edited by AdaTaggar Cohen, Richard E. DeMaris, Jonathan Schwiebert (LHBOTS [=Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies] T&T Clark, Bloomsbury, 2024), 13–38.
Electronic articles
- “Hittite Laws and Texts” in: Society of Biblical Literature (website) Bible Odyssey: (04.2015)
- “Priests and Priestesses: Ancient Near East,” in: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (online edition, by subscription) general editor Roger Bagnall; (Wiley-Blackwell; 05.2015)
- “Why are there no Israelite Priestesses”
- “Does God’s Property Belong to the Priesthood? Hittite Versus Biblical Law”
- “The Subverted City [Ir Hannidahat] in the Context of Ancient Near East Vassal Treaties”
- “War at the Command of the Gods”
- “Queen Puduḫepa of the Hittites” (Schema, Editorial) TheNewHistoria(05.2024)
You can access from here.